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產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:104進口羅茨真空泵 
型 號: 美國泰樂 
規 格:
品 牌: 美國泰樂 
單 價: 1888.00元/臺 
起訂量: 1 臺 
供貨總量: 999 臺
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
更新日期: 2017-12-18  有效期至:長期有效
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 產品型號:  美國泰樂
 產品規格:  -
 產品品牌:  美國泰樂
進口羅茨真空泵美國羅茨真空泵 進口羅茨真空泵原理: 進口羅茨真空泵是運行真空泵并一起在所有工業真空應用中需要抽吸量的大量的前級泵運行德羅茨真空泵運轉完全呼叫無接觸,無密封油或其他工作液體的壓縮室。?進口羅茨進口羅茨真空泵都配備了旁通閥。 憑借廣泛的抽吸能力和極限壓力,進口羅茨真空泵可定制,以成為一個綜合性的真空系統的一個前級泵,這使我們能夠定制適合工業應用的大部分地區的解決方案,也需要與高的真空度高效率。 對于疏散爆炸性氣體或過程確實發生在易燃易爆的環境機械增壓技術,是基于成熟的對流的概念冷卻羅茨泵使進口羅茨真空泵具有的安全運行。得益于先進的工業設計和嚴格測試,進口羅茨真空泵能夠滿足高要求爆炸性的工作場合。 進口羅茨真空泵技術參數: 抽速:300 m3/h 極限真空:0.001 mbar 電機功率:2.2? Kw 額定電壓:320-440? V 噪聲等級:68? dB(A) 產品凈重:79.5? Kg 進口羅茨真空泵應用領域: 廣泛應用于真空冶金工業的真空脫氣真空冶煉,鋼水真空處理級熱處理等方面,也可以用于化工、食品、醫藥、電機制造等工業,特別需要指出,當它的前級泵采用雙級水環泵時,能抽除含有大量水蒸氣,因此,它又適用于蒸餾、蒸發、冷凍、干燥等生產過程. 進口羅茨真空泵美國泰樂TYLER售后服務: 的服務鑄就的企業讓客戶無后顧之憂。 1、按合同要求提供產品的合格證、銘牌、檢驗報告、產地證名、安裝說明書等。 2、顧客在驗收產品過程中,如出現與合同要求不符時,我司接到顧客通知后兩小時內給予處理。 3、我司提供十二個月以上產品質保期,時間從驗收合格之日起計算。 4、在正確安裝和使用下,出現產品質量問題,本公司將負責到底。? The United States imported roots vacuum pump vacuum pump The import of Roots vacuum pump principle: The import of Roots vacuum pump vacuum pump and run together in all industrial applications need vacuum pumping large pump before operation drots vacuum pump operation complete call without contact, a compression chamber without sealing oil or other liquid. Imported roots vacuum pumps are equipped with a bypass valve. With the suction capacity and limit pressure widely, imported roots vacuum pump can be customized to become a vacuum pump before a comprehensive system, which enables us to customized solutions for industrial applications in most areas, also need high vacuum and high efficiency. For the evacuation of explosive gas or process did occur in the environment of mechanical pressurization technology of flammable and explosive, is based on the concept of cooling roots pump mature convection makes imported roots vacuum pump with absolute safety operation. Thanks to the advanced industrial design and strict testing of imported roots vacuum pump can meet the requirements of high explosive work. Technical parameters of imported roots vacuum pump: Pumping speed: 300 m: 0.001 mbar /h fand ultimate vacuum motor power: 2.2 Kw rated voltage: 320-440 V Noise level: 68 dB (A) product net weight: 79.5 Kg The import of Roots vacuum pump applications: Vacuum degassing vacuum smelting is widely used in vacuum metallurgy, vacuum treatment of molten steel level aspects of heat treatment, can also be used for chemical, food, medicine, motor manufacturing industry, in particular, when the pump before it adopts two-stage water ring pump, pumping with large amount of water vapor, therefore. It is also suitable for distillation, evaporation, freezing, drying and other production processes. The United States imported roots vacuum pump tylosin TYLER customer service service: The first-class service created a first-class enterprise so that customers no worries. 1, according to the contract requirements for product certification, nameplate, inspection report, certificate of origin, installation instructions etc.. 2, the customer in the process of acceptance of the product, such as the emergence of the contract requirements and inconsistent, I received the notification of the customer within two hours after the treatment. 3, our company provides more than twelve months warranty period, the time from the date of acceptance. 4, in the correct installation and use, product quality problems, the company will be responsible in the end. 客戶須知: 歡迎來電詢問美國泰樂TYLER電磁閥一級代理商。銷售一部(上海凡而閥門有限公司),參數提供如下: 1.公稱通徑2、公稱壓力3、流體性質(包括溫度、介質)?4.材質?5.連接方式?6電源.電壓7、控制方式(常開式、常閉式、自保持式).8、防護形式(防爆型、防水型、防塵型、防潮型、防腐型、普通型) 美國泰樂相關領域業績:杭州地鐵1號線、杭州地鐵2號線、杭州地鐵4號線,南京地鐵1號線、南京地鐵2號線、南京地鐵3號線、南京地鐵4號線、南京地鐵10號線。 帝國化學工業、美國科氏工業、美國聯合能源、艾默生電氣、盧克石油、中國海洋石油。 美國泰樂代理商上海凡而閥門有限公司,微信咨詢: Customer information: Welcome to inquire us Taylor TYLER solenoid valve agents. Sales of a (Shanghai and valve Co., Ltd.), the parameters are provided as follows: 1 nominal diameter, nominal pressure 3, 2 fluid properties (including temperature, medium) 5 connection 4 material 6 power. 7, voltage control mode (normally open and normally closed, self retaining.8), protection (explosion-proof, waterproof, dustproof, moistureproof and anticorrosive type type type, ordinary type) The United States Taylor related field performance: Hangzhou Metro Line 1, Hangzhou Metro Line 2, Hangzhou Metro Line 4, Nanjing Metro Line 1, Nanjing Metro Line 2, Nanjing Metro Line 3, Nanjing Metro Line 4, Nanjing Metro Line 10. Imperial chemical industries, the United States of America, the United States, Emerson, Luke electric, China National Offshore oil. The United States and Shanghai where agents Taylor Valve Co. Ltd., WeChat consulting: 進口羅茨真空泵官網:http://www.twvalve.net/html/2286.html




進口羅茨真空泵是運行真空泵并一起在所有工業真空應用中需要抽吸量的大量的前級泵運行德羅茨真空泵運轉完全呼叫無接觸,無密封油或其他工作液體的壓縮室。 進口羅茨進口羅茨真空泵都配備了旁通閥。






抽速:300 m3/h  極限真空:0.001 mbar  電機功率:2.2  Kw  額定電壓:320-440  V

噪聲等級:68  dB(A)  產品凈重:79.5  Kg






The United States imported roots vacuum pump vacuum pump

The import of Roots vacuum pump principle:

The import of Roots vacuum pump vacuum pump and run together in all industrial applications need vacuum pumping large pump before operation drots vacuum pump operation complete call without contact, a compression chamber without sealing oil or other liquid. Imported roots vacuum pumps are equipped with a bypass valve.

With the suction capacity and limit pressure widely, imported roots vacuum pump can be customized to become a vacuum pump before a comprehensive system, which enables us to customized solutions for industrial applications in most areas, also need high vacuum and high efficiency.

For the evacuation of explosive gas or process did occur in the environment of mechanical pressurization technology of flammable and explosive, is based on the concept of cooling roots pump mature convection makes imported roots vacuum pump with absolute safety operation. Thanks to the advanced industrial design and strict testing of imported roots vacuum pump can meet the requirements of high explosive work.

Technical parameters of imported roots vacuum pump:

Pumping speed: 300 m: 0.001 mbar /h fand ultimate vacuum motor power: 2.2 Kw rated voltage: 320-440 V

Noise level: 68 dB (A) product net weight: 79.5 Kg

The import of Roots vacuum pump applications:

Vacuum degassing vacuum smelting is widely used in vacuum metallurgy, vacuum treatment of molten steel level aspects of heat treatment, can also be used for chemical, food, medicine, motor manufacturing industry, in particular, when the pump before it adopts two-stage water ring pump, pumping with large amount of water vapor, therefore. It is also suitable for distillation, evaporation, freezing, drying and other production processes.

The United States imported roots vacuum pump tylosin TYLER customer service service:

The first-class service created a first-class enterprise so that customers no worries.

1, according to the contract requirements for product certification, nameplate, inspection report, certificate of origin, installation instructions etc..

2, the customer in the process of acceptance of the product, such as the emergence of the contract requirements and inconsistent, I received the notification of the customer within two hours after the treatment.

3, our company provides more than twelve months warranty period, the time from the date of acceptance.

4, in the correct installation and use, product quality problems, the company will be responsible in the end.



1.公稱通徑2、公稱壓力3、流體性質(包括溫度、介質) 4.材質 5.連接方式 6電源.電壓7、控制方式(常開式、常閉式、自保持式).8、防護形式(防爆型、防水型、防塵型、防潮型、防腐型、普通型)




Customer information:

Welcome to inquire us Taylor TYLER solenoid valve agents. Sales of a (Shanghai and valve Co., Ltd.), the parameters are provided as follows:

1 nominal diameter, nominal pressure 3, 2 fluid properties (including temperature, medium) 5 connection 4 material 6 power. 7, voltage control mode (normally open and normally closed, self retaining.8), protection (explosion-proof, waterproof, dustproof, moistureproof and anticorrosive type type type, ordinary type)

The United States Taylor related field performance: Hangzhou Metro Line 1, Hangzhou Metro Line 2, Hangzhou Metro Line 4, Nanjing Metro Line 1, Nanjing Metro Line 2, Nanjing Metro Line 3, Nanjing Metro Line 4, Nanjing Metro Line 10.

Imperial chemical industries, the United States of America, the United States, Emerson, Luke electric, China National Offshore oil.

The United States and Shanghai where agents Taylor Valve Co. Ltd., WeChat consulting:




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