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產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:192電源模塊 
型 號: 1756-PA75R 
規 格: 齊全 
品 牌: AB 
單 價: 1.00元/件 
起訂量: 1 件 
供貨總量: 2998 件
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
更新日期: 2018-10-31  有效期至:長期有效
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 產品型號:  1756-PA75R
 產品規格:  齊全
 產品品牌:  AB
1756 基于機架的 ControlLogix I/O 模塊提供了全面的數字量、診斷數字量、模擬量、運動控制和特殊功能 I/O,可滿足各種應用項目需要。您可以使用 ControlLogix 控制器的本地機架中的任何 I/O 模塊,或者使用通過 ControlNet或 EtherNet/IP 網絡連接到 ControlLogix 控制器的機架中的任何 I/O 模塊。

1756-PA72 ControlLogix, 85-265 VAC Power Supply (10 Amp @ 5V) 
1756-PA72K Conformal coated 1756 power supply 85-265 VAC Power Supply (5V @ 10 Amp) Input Voltage:120V AC;240V AC Power 75.00 W 10.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V 
1756-PA75 ControlLogix, 85-265 VAC Power Supply (13 Amp @ 5V) 
1756-PA75K Conformal coated 1756 power supply 85-265V AC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp) Input Voltage:120V AC;240V AC Power 75.00 W 13.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V 
1756-PA75R ControlLogix, 85-265 VAC Redundant Power Supply 
1756-PB72 ControlLogix, 19-32 VDC Power Supply (10 Amp @ 5V) 
1756-PB72K Conformal coated 1756 power supply 19.2 - 32 VDC Power Supply (5V @ 10 Amp) Input Voltage:24V DC Power 75.00 W 10.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V 
1756-PB75 ControlLogix, 19-32 VDC Power Supply (13 Amp @ 5V) 
1756-PB75K Conformal coated 1756 power supply 19.2 - 32V DC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp) Input Voltage:24V DC Power 75.00 W 13.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V 
1756-PB75R ControlLogix, 19-32 VDC Redundant Power Supply 
1756-PBXT 19.2 - 32V DC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp), Logix XT 
1756-PC75 30-60 VDC Power Supply (13 Amp @ 5V) 
1756-PH75 90-143 VDC Power Supply (13 Amp @ 5V) 
1756-PLS Programmable Limit Switch Module (3-20 Pin) 
1756-PSCA2 Redundant Power Supply Chassis Adapter Module 
1756-RIO ControlLogix RIO Scanner/Adaptor Module 
1756-RM2 Redundancy Module 
1756-RM2K Conformal Coated Redundancy Module 
1756-RM2XT Redundancy Module, Logix XT 
1756-RMC1 Fiber Cable, 1 Meter 
1756-RMC10 Fiber Cable, 10 Meter 
1756-RMC3 Fiber Cable, 3 Meter 
1756-SYNCH ControlLogix Synchlink Module 
1756-TBCH 36 Pin Screw Clamp Block With Standard Housing 
1756-TBE Extended Depth Terminal Block Housing 
1756-TBNH 20 Position NEMA Screw Clamp Block 
1756-TBS6H 36 Pin Spring Clamp Block With Standard Housing 
1756-TBSH 20 Pin Spring Clamp Block With Standard Housing 
1784-CF128 Logic 556x Industrial Compactflash Card 128Mb 
1756-N2XT Slot Filler module for ControlLogix-XT chassis 
1756-TIME ControlLogix Position and Time Sevices 
1756-L72EROM Armor ControlLogix, Controller, 4MB Memory, Dual EtherNet/IP, IP67 
1756-L72EROMS Armor GuardLogix, Safety Controller, Memory 4MB/2MB, Dual EtherNet/IP, IP67. 
1756-L73EROM Armor ControlLogix, Controller, Memory 4MB, Dual EtherNet/IP, IP67 
1756-L73EROMS Armor GuardLogix, Safety Controller, Memory 8MB/4MB, Dual EtherNet/IP, IP67 
1756-IRT8I RTD / Ohms / Thermocouple / mV Input Module, 8 Individually Configurable Isolated Points (36 Pin) 
1756-PA30XT ControlLogix XT, Power Supply, 85-265VAC Input, 6 Amp at 5V DC Output 
1756-PA50 ControlLogix, 85-265V AC Input Power Supply, 8 Amp at 5V DC Output 
1756-PA75RK Conformal coated 1756 redundant power supply 85-265V AC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp) Input Voltage:120V AC;240V AC Power 75.00 W 13.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V 
1756-PB30XT ControlLogix XT, Power Supply, 18-32V DC Input, 8 Amp at 5V DC Output 
1756-PB50 ControlLogix, Power Supply, 18-32V DC Input, 8 Amp at 5V DC Output 
1756-PB75RK Conformal coated 1756 redundant power supply 19.2 - 32V DC Power Supply (5V @ 13 Amp) Input Voltage:24V DC Power 75.00 W 13.00 A on 5V 2.80 A on 24V 
1756-PSCA2K Conformal coated redundant power supply chassis adapter module. Qty-1. 
1756-PBR2K ControlLogix Power Supply Bundle, 19-32V DC Input, 5V at 13 A Output, 2 Redundant Supplies,with 2 Cables and Chassis Adaptor, Conformal Coated 
1756-ESMCAPK ControlLogix Energy Storage Module-Capacitor - Conformally Coated 
1756-ESMNSEK ControlLogix XT Energy Storage Module-No Stored Energy - Conformally Coated 
1756-CN2RK ControlNet Redundant Interface Module (100 connections) - Conformally Coated 
1756-IF16K Analog Input - Current/Voltage 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated 
1756-IRT8IK RTD / Ohms / Thermocouple / mV Input Module, 8 Individually Configurable Isolated Points (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated 
1756-CPR2U 1756-CPR2U (UP) Redundant Power Supply Cable 
1756-CPR2D 1756-CPR2D (DOWN) Redundant Power Supply Cable 
1756-PAXTR ControlLogix Extended Temperature 85-265VAC Redundant Power Supply 
1756-PBXTR ControlLogix Extended Temperature 19-32 VDC Redundant Power Supply 
1756-PSCA2XT ControlLogix Extended Temperature Redundant Power Supply Chassis Adapter, -25C to 70C 
1756-PAR2 ControlLogix, 85-265 VAC Redundant Power Supply Assembly 
1756-PBR2 ControlLogix, 19-32 VDC Redundant Power Supply Assembly 
1756-IF8IHK Isolated Analog Input Module - 8-Channel HART - Conformally Coated 
1756-OF8IHK Isolated Analog Output Module - 8-Channel HART - Conformally Coated

聯系人 袁經理  手機18092171377  商務QQ260841989


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