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瀏覽次數:493阻燃聚丙烯(PP) |
型 號: |
M10009XP |
規 格: |
M10009XP |
品 牌: |
Eurostar Engineering Plastics |
單 價: |
25.00元/KG |
起訂量: |
25 KG |
供貨總量: |
10000 KG |
發貨期限: |
自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨 |
更新日期: |
2014-01-26 有效期至:長期有效 |
聯 系 人: |
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產品型號: |
M10009XP |
產品規格: |
M10009XP |
產品品牌: |
Eurostar Engineering Plastics |
- PP MX91206 compound 含專有填料特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP MX91206 compound 是一款含專有填料的耐磨損聚丙烯材料.
- PP MX06404 compound 含玻纖/PTFE纖維/熱穩定特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP MX06404 compound 是一款含20%玻璃纖維增強和15%PTFE纖維的熱穩定聚丙烯材料.
- PP ML008 compound 含PTFE潤滑劑特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP ML008 compound 是一款含PTFE潤滑劑的聚丙烯材料.
- PP ML004S compound 含PTFE潤滑,熱穩定劑特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP ML004S compound 是一款含20%PTFE潤滑劑和熱穩定劑的聚丙烯材料.
- PP ML004LS compound 含PTFE潤滑,熱穩定劑特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP ML004LS compound 是一款含20%PTFE潤滑劑和熱穩定劑的聚丙烯材料.
- PP ML004 compound 含PTFE潤滑劑特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP ML004 compound 是一款含20%PTFE潤滑劑,耐磨損的聚丙烯材料.
- PP ML003S compound 含PTFE潤滑,熱穩定劑特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP ML003S compound 是一款15%PTFE潤滑劑,熱穩定劑的聚丙烯材料.
- PP MG004 compound 含石墨粉特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP MG004 compound 是一款含石墨粉潤滑劑的聚丙烯材料.
- PP MFL36S compound 含玻纖/PTFE/熱穩定劑特點:LNP LUBRICOMP PP MFL36S compound 是一款含30%玻璃纖維增強和PTFE潤滑劑(15%),熱穩定劑的聚丙烯材料.
- PP MT00E compound 導熱級,含70%專有填料特點:SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP KONDUIT PP MT00E compound 是一款含70%專有填料和導熱的聚丙烯材料.
- PP MX10014 compound 含不銹鋼纖維特點:SABIC Innovative Plastics Europe LNP FARADEX PP MX10014 compound 是一款電磁屏蔽 (EMI),射頻屏蔽 (RFI)的聚丙烯
- PP MS003 compound 電磁屏蔽(EMI),射頻屏蔽(RFI)特點:SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP FARADEX PP MS003 compound 是一款含15%不銹鋼纖維和導電,電磁屏蔽 (EMI),射頻屏蔽 (RFI)的聚丙烯.
- PP MS002 compound 含不銹鋼纖維,導電級特點:SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP FARADEX PP MS002 compound 是一款含10%不銹鋼纖維和導電,電磁屏蔽 (EMI),射頻屏蔽 (RFI)的聚丙烯.
- PP 105 玻纖增強,抗靜電特點:RTP Company PermaStat PP 105 是一款含30%玻璃纖維增強和抗靜電的聚丙烯材料.
- PP 101 玻纖增強,抗靜電特點:RTP Company PermaStat PP 101 是一款含10%玻璃纖維增強和抗靜電的聚丙烯材料.
- PP 100 靜電放電保護,抗靜電特點:RTP Company PermaStat PP 100 是一款靜電放電保護,抗靜電的聚丙烯樹脂.
- PP 100 MD 靜電放電保護,抗靜電特點:RTP Company PermaStat PP 100 MD 是一款靜電放電保護,抗靜電的聚丙烯樹脂.
- PP 100 LE 抗靜電,低萃取物特點:RTP Company PermaStat PP 100 LE 是一款靜電放電保護,抗靜電,低萃取物的聚丙烯樹脂.
- PP 100 HI 抗靜電,高抗沖擊特點:RTP Company PermaStat PP 100 HI 是一款靜電放電保護,抗靜電,高抗撞擊的聚丙烯樹脂.
- PP 100 FR 抗靜電,阻燃級特點:RTP Company PermaStat PP 100 FR 是一款靜電放電保護,抗靜電,阻燃級的聚丙烯.
- PP M1000S compound 熱穩定特點:SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP COLORCOMP PP M1000S compound 是一款含熱穩定劑的聚丙烯樹脂.
- PP 100 SI 2 含2%硅酮潤滑劑特點:RTP Company RTP PP 100 SI 2 是一款含2%硅酮潤滑劑的聚丙烯.
- PP 103 HB 含20%玻璃纖維增強特點:RTP Company RTP PP 103 HB 是一款含20%玻璃纖維增強的聚丙烯.
- PP MZ006S 玻璃纖維增強,熱穩定特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MZ006S is a Glass Fiber Reinforced, Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin heat stabilised (also known as Starpylen WT 30GF S3 )
- PP MX06101 無鹵阻燃聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam MX06101 is an Unfilled, Halogen Free Flame Retardant PP Injection Molding Resin
- PP MX06089 阻燃聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam MX06089 is an Unfilled Flame Retardant Polypropylene Injection Molding Grade
- PP MX06050 含30%玻璃纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MX06050 is 30 % Glass Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MX06023 含20%磨碎玻璃纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MX06023 is a 20 % Milled Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MX05075 無鹵阻燃聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam MX05075 is an Unfilled Halogen Free Flame Retardant PP Injection Molding Resin
- PP MX05039 礦物填充聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MX05039 is a Mineral Filled Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MX05036 無鹵阻燃聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam MX05036 is an Unfilled, Halogen Free Flame Retardant, PP Injection Molding Resin
- PP MFK001AS 含礦物填充特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MFK001AS is a Mineral Filled Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MH0200A 高密度聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MH0200A is a High Density Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MFM43S 含礦物和玻纖填充特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MFM43S is a Mineral Filled, Glass Fiber Reinforced, Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MFK42AS 含礦物和玻纖填充特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MFK42AS is a Mineral Filled, Glass Fiber Reinforced, Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MFB44S 含玻璃珠和玻纖增強,熱穩定劑特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MFB44S is a glass Beads, Glass Fiber Reinforced, Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin heat stabilised( also known as Starpylen WS 2020VK S37.7 )
- PP MF008S 含40%玻璃纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MF008S is 40% Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MF007AS 玻璃纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MF007AS is a Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MF004S 含20%玻璃纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MF004S is 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MF0044 無鹵阻燃級,玻璃纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam MF0044 is an Halogen Free Flame Retardant, Glass Fiber Reinforced, PP Injection Molding Resin
- PP MF003SU 含15%玻璃纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MF003SU is 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin (also known as Starpylen WX 15V S34/3/040)
- PP MCR13S 含15%碳纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MCR13S is a 15 % Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP MB006SU 含玻璃珠增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen MB006SU is a Glass Bead Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP M10009XP 阻燃聚丙烯共聚物特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam M10009XP is an Unfilled Flame Retardant Polypropylene (Copo) Injection Molding Resin, also known as Starflam PP CU U9 Z116
- PP M10009AP 阻燃聚丙烯均聚物,高流動特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam M10009AP is an Unfilled Flame Retardant high fluidity Polypropylene (Homo) Injection Molding Resin
- PP M10009A 阻燃聚丙烯均聚物特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam M10009A is an Unfilled Flame Retardant Polypropylene (Homo) Injection Molding Resin
- PP M10004A 無鹵阻燃聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starflam M10004A is an Unfilled Halogen Free Flame Retardant PP Injection Molding Resin
- PP M1000-BK1A987 高炭黑PP樹脂特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen M1000-BK1A987 is a high carbon black loaded PP resin.
- PP HZ 80E7 高密度聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen* HZ 80E7 is a High Density Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP HZ 50E3 高比重聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics PRELIMINARY- Starpylen HZ 50E3 is a High Specific Gravity Polypropylene (density 1.5) , Injection Molding Resin (also known as HZ50E3)
- PP HW 30K ECR-BK 含玻璃珠增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen HW 30K ECR-BK is a reinforced Polypropylene with a low carbon footprint spherical filler, Injection Molding Resin (also known as HW30KECR).
- PP HU 70E4 ECR 含70%碳酸鈣填充特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen HU 70E4 ECR is a Masterbatch with a Low Carbon Footprint Filler in PP carrier.
- PP HU 70E3 高密度聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen HU 70E3 is a High Density Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP HU 30E4 ECR 礦物增強聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen HU 30E4 ECR is a reinforced Polypropylene with a low carbon footprint mineral filler, Injection Molding Resin (also known as HU30E4ECR).
- PP HU 30BF4 含30%竹纖維增強特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen HU30BF4 is a 30% Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin (also known as HU30BF4). (PRELIMINARY DATASHEET)
- PP HT 25 MC 礦物填充聚丙烯特點:Eurostar Engineering Plastics Starpylen HT 25 MC is a Mineral Filled Polypropylene Injection Molding Resin
- PP PP-GF30-04 含30%長玻纖增強,熱穩定特點:Ticona compel PP PP-GF30-04 是一款含30%長玻璃纖維增強和熱穩定的聚丙烯.
- PP PP-GF60-25 AD3002 Black 含60%長玻璃纖維特點:Ticona Celstran PP PP-GF60-25 AD3002 Black 是一款含60%長玻璃纖維增強的聚丙烯.
- PP PP-GF50-10 含50%長玻纖,抗紫外線特點:Ticona Celstran PP PP-GF50-10 是一款含50%長玻璃纖維增強和紫外線穩定劑的聚丙烯. 特點:良好的流動.
- PP PP-GF50-0458 P10/10 含50%長玻纖,抗紫外線特點:Ticona Celstran PP PP-GF50-0458 P10/10 是一款含50%長玻璃纖維增強和熱穩定劑,紫外線穩定劑的聚丙烯. 特點:低揮發,低翹曲,剛性高,高強度,化學耦合,抗撞擊良好,良好的抗蠕變,耐低溫撞擊,熱穩定. 用途:汽車領域的應用.
- PP PP-GF50-0455P10/10 含50%長玻纖,抗紫外線特點:Ticona Celstran PP PP-GF50-0455P10/10 是一款含50%長玻璃纖維增強和熱穩定劑,紫外線穩定劑的聚丙烯. 特點:低揮發,低翹曲,剛性高,高強度,化學耦合,抗撞擊良好,良好的抗蠕變,耐低溫撞擊,熱穩定.用途:汽車領域的應用.
- PP PP-GF50-0453P10/10 含50%長玻纖,熱穩定特點:Ticona Celstran PP PP-GF50-0453P10/10 是一款含50%長玻璃纖維增強和熱穩定劑的聚丙烯. 特點:低揮發,低翹曲,剛性高,高強度,化學耦合,良好的抗蠕變,耐低溫撞擊,熱穩定.
- PP PP-GF50-0405P10/10 含50%長玻纖,抗紫外線特點:Ticona Celstran PP PP-GF50-0405P10/10 是一款含50%長玻璃纖維增強和熱穩定劑,紫外線穩定劑的聚丙烯. 特點:低翹曲,剛性高,高強度,抗撞擊良好,良好的抗蠕變,耐低溫撞擊,耐化學性良好,熱穩定. 用途:汽車領域的應用.
- PP PP-GF50-0403P10/10 含50%長玻纖,熱穩定特點:Ticona Celstran PP PP-GF50-0403P10/10 是一款含50%長玻璃纖維增強和熱穩定劑的聚丙烯. 特點:剛性高,高強度,化學耦合,良好的抗蠕變,耐低溫撞擊,耐熱性高,熱穩定.
- PP PP-GF50-0403 P10 含50%長玻纖,耐低溫特點:Ticona Celstran PP PP-GF50-0403 P10 是一款含50%長玻璃纖維增強和熱穩定劑的聚丙烯. 特點:低翹曲,剛性高,高強度,化學
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